First : your plants must be put in a hole, big like 2 tennis balls full of home-compost – Cost = zero
Second : water-canned very often – Cost = zero
Third : "pruned" very often mainly in the development phase
the bottom of the unique central trunk must be
without any branch
All the leaves and branches that you cut are spread
at the bottom of the plants – Cost = zero
Fourth : nettles – harvest them – about big like two or three
buckets – then let them get rotten in a barrel with
some water – when it stinks it's good – cost=zero
Then pour some of the "nettle-juice" at tje bottom
of the tomato plants
Fifth : find copper wire – the kind you find after electricians
re-cable – cut it in one inch pieces
Pierce the bottom of the central branch with one
piece of copper-wire – cost =zero
Great gardenning is a good job for greedy people –