We have tons of kitchen scraps and I'm going nuts looking at everything from turning to bokashi to tumblers to holes. Does this really have to be so complicated? Then I read blogs online of failures, too much work, smell, etc. What really is the right way to do this in a smallish but not miniscule home flower/veggies organic garden?
Just pile your grass, leaves and other plant material in one place. Put a few branches around it. Don't add any meat or other items that might smell. Water whenever you feel like it.
Put fencing around it if you want. Even plant morning glories to grow over it. Just don't worry.
Winter Garden Snow & Frost Covers
So winters now finished here in OZ, but high in the mountains it can still get cold and frosty in Spring. Self sufficient food gardening can be a real challenge though winter. Over the past few years we have been testing a few different methods of protecting our veggies from frost and the occasional snow fall.
Duration : 0:1:32
i am trying to grow cos lettuce in my garden!?
I was just wondering if there was anything organic or an old home remedie to spray for pests on my lettuce because i am highly alergic to pesticides.
Thankyou your help will be appreciated.
Yes. Mix a light solution of dish-soap with water to spray on the lettuce. About 1tsp in a quart of water. Just make sure you rinse the lettuce before you eat it.
How to Attract Butterflies to Your Garden
Can vege/fruit matter sealed in 3'x3' rubbermaid container for 6 months still be used for a compost pile?
All organic scraps, excepting animal matter, had been gathered and stored since the new year til June, anticipating the creation of an organic garden this year. Unfortunately, numerous home repairs delayed this effort (new roof, etc.). We have created our compost bin, but are unsure if we can add the stored material, as it hasn't had air circulation. Please let us know if it's feasible.
It should be fine. It is still going to rot, you just delayed it by keeping it sealed.
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