Become an organic gardener! Learn all about natural pest control and organic gardening in this free video covering natural indoor and outdoor gardens.
Duration : 0:1:40
How to garden organically
by Tricia
Become an organic gardener! Learn all about natural pest control and organic gardening in this free video covering natural indoor and outdoor gardens.
Duration : 0:1:40
by Tricia
“Mesa de los Santos Organic Coffee is the best Colombian coffee I have tasted. As with most origins, coffees from the various regions in Colombia can vary widely in quality throughout the year. The cup quality and preparation of Mesa de los Santos has remained consistent or improved from delivery to delivery during the past eighteen months. I can think of few sources that so succesfully pursue excellence. I have had customers switch from conventional Colombian coffee to Mesa de los Santos organics, not because they wanted organic coffees but rather because they have concluded that Mesa de los Santos was the best” ~ David Kastte Cafe Organico Mesa de los Santos is certified by BioLatina, an international organization dedicated to organic certification of coffee. “Bird Friendly” coffees are the only coffees on the market that are certified as shade-grown and organic by an independent third-party inspector using criteria established by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center of the National Zoo . These criteria are based on years of scientific research. Companies that sell “Bird Friendly” coffees contribute 25 cents per pound to support Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center research and conservation programs. The producers of Cafe Organico Mesa de los Santos, concerned about nature and the environment, have obtained BioLatina certification after more than three years of effort. During this period, measures including no-chemical utilization during production and the implementation of an ornithological program to guarantee native and migratory bird protection, have been adopted. Cafe Organico Mesa de los Santos is planted with banana and a variety of diferent shade trees, to provide food and habitat to native and migratory birds in the coffee plantation, working as an effective control against plague and insects. A 5-pound heat sealed valve bag will ensure the freshest coffee. Your coffee will be fresh roasted the day it ships. Enjoy!
by Tricia – If you like the tips in this video, you can find more here.
Also, quickly download Aarons FREE Fast Organic Gardening Package that shows you how to start an organic garden and maintain easily! —
Duration : 0:4:54
[youtube 5SR-ywoB4pk]
by Tricia
Eliminate insects on contact with Bonide Organic Bon-Neem Insecticidal Soap Concentrate.
This insect control concentrate may be used on fruit and nut trees, vegetables, houseplants, bedding plants, perennials, ornamental and shade trees including deciduous and evergreens.
Derived from Indian Neem Tree Seed Oil, this specially formulated spray kills most mite and insect pests on contact. Target pests include slugs, mites, thrips, whiteflies, and aphids.
For best results, spray as directed when insects first appear or as soon as damage is noticed. Respray as necessary to control high populations. Product may be used up to and including the day of harvest.
Control the insect pests in your garden or landscape with Bonide Organic Bon-Neem Insecticidal Soap Concentrate.
Active Ingredient: Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids: 25.00%Inert Ingredients: 75.00%Bottle Size: 16 fl. oz.Yield: up to 6.4 gallons Coverage: up to 2,750 square feet Method of Application: hose end sprayer or garden sprayer
by Tricia
Question: “live in Texas. It seems like nothing I try works. Any suggestions? I would also like to hear anything organic?”
acidify the soil with vinegar… However, be careful not to get it too close to the plants that you want to grow. lime is used to make the soil alkaline again. use a spray bottle to apply.
and here is a variety of organic pesticides…