Overview of our gardening DVD on turning your backyard into a your own organic produce department.
Step-by-step from soil prep, planting, pest control, harvesting and storage of your bounty.
Organic gardening is quite rewarding and it really isn’t all that much harder than non-organic gardening. You just have to stay on top of things. Take a peek at the following video DVD preview for some ideas as to what you can do in your own garden.
Duration : 0:5:7
[youtube vymivy-7KTg]
when the silk at …
when the silk at the top of the ear turns brown
Nice video. Loaded …
Nice video. Loaded with lots of great tips. I am growing corn for the first time in my Earthboxes, how do you know when it is time to harvest it?
I just had to ask, …
I just had to ask, have you ever grown peanuts? I started these in containers and you know what? They are the easiest thing to grow, hubby and potbelly pig love peanuts (hubby peanut butter) lol
great video! I’m …
great video! I’m learning various farming methods, I’ll be combining land, raised bed, container and strawbale gardening (got arthritis in my back) but want to be more self sufficient as I am able.
Can you make a video on how to root cellar your vegies? I dont have a root cellar, but I have an extra room can you explain the ins and outs of that?
I prefer the …
I prefer the no-till method. Less work, less weeds. Looks like a great DVD- thanks for sharing.
Thank you, this was …
Thank you, this was a good video with lots of nice tips. keep up the good work.
cool….I like it, …
cool….I like it, thank you
WOW!!! I wish I had …
WOW!!! I wish I had that much space.
so what are you …
so what are you adding in terms of organic material. Once the dung is consumed by the worms what next.
great video
great video