I bought Miracle Grow All Purpose Plant Food and it says I can use it on Flowers, vegetables and grass. But is it safe to do so? I want my vegetables to be organic. I do not want any chemicals. If this Miracle grow plant food just nitrogen and other minerals or does ot have chemicals in it as well?
Picture of product: http://www.daytonnursery.com/products/miracle gro.jpg
Which organic plant food should I use? Can you recommend me some?
Miracle grow is not organic..all purpose miracle grow is so high in nitrogen you do not want to feed it to veggies or blooming flowers(anything in the bloom stage)..This will give you all leaves adn next to no, if any veggies or flowers…Blooming plants need phosphrous and pottasium, calcium and magnesiam
Miracle grow is not organic..all purpose miracle grow is so high in nitrogen you do not want to feed it to veggies or blooming flowers(anything in the bloom stage)..This will give you all leaves adn next to no, if any veggies or flowers…Blooming plants need phosphrous and pottasium, calcium and magnesiam
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my garden…
Miracle Grow is not organic, it is chemical. However it is safe to use just put it right into the dirt instead of spraying it on your vegetables. When you plant the plants next year go to somebody that sells top soil and cow manure and just plant the plants in that, you won't have to fertilize with any chemicals and you will have good plants.
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It is not organic that is correct, but organic does not necessarily mean that it is safe either. There are some "organic" fertilizers which I would not use on veggies or anything else I was going to eat. Milorganite being one. It is totally organic, but it is made from activated human sewage sludge. This gives new thought to the old adage…."you are what you eat!"
Miracle Grow is made up from chemically derived nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. It is actually much cleaner and more pleasant to use then many of the natural or "organic" types.
Also as long as it is a properly balanced fertilizer, which Miracle Grow is. It is safe to use right on through the entire cycle of the vegetables growth.
Oh don't try using it on your grass though, it is almost impossible to get an even spray with those hose end applicators, and your result will be at best uneven growth, at worst, you could even kill areas with over fertilization.
If you think you have a steady enough hand to get it applied evenly, try this test. Take 10 empty soup cans and scatter them upright on your lawn. Try watering the area using the applicator with out any fertilizer, and try to do it as even as you can. Then go out and look at the difference in the amount of water you have in the cans, you will be amazed.
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I have been in the Green Industry pretty much my entire life. Now I manage the chemical maint. div. of a landscaping company and produce and host The Plant Doctor Show which airs on am radio 1410WIZM La Crosse, WI
Miracle gro is not organic, neither is Milorganite (it is sewage sludge which is prohibited on certified organic farms and is not considered organic by long time and knowledgable organic growers)
There are lots of organic fertilizers out there. Compost is the best and you can make it your self. There is also kelp, worm castings, fish emulsion, green manures (a crop grow specifically to be mowed down and plowed into the soil to add organic matter and nutrients), rock powders, seas solids, aged manure, etc..
My 3 acre market garden is very fertile without ever using any chemical fertilizers because I have a good fertility program that includes most of the above list.
With organics there is no such thing as a magic bullet or quick fix-you have to pay attention and be in it for the long haul. But the effort is well worth it.
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