I weed out one area and then it grows in another area. I know it spreads by underground roots but how am I to stop this invasive herb from taking over my garden?
Yes…it does that. The only way to control mint is to plant it in a large pot buried in the dirt, but with the rim just above the surface. This stops it sending out runners.
The only way to get rid of it is careful hand weeding. Wet the soil thoroughly and leave it for several hours to soak in, then start teasing out the plants. Make sure you get it ALL. You may have to do this several times, as it is easy to miss bits, or for pieces to break off. Keep a few pieces for your new confined pot, and put the rest in the trash. Do not try to compost it, as you may not kill it all in the compost heap.
The only way is persistent weeding out, I always grow mint in a bucket now. I love it but not as much as it loves my garden and yours by the sound of it.
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What I have done in the past to contain plants, such as mint, from taking over my whole garden, is to sink buckets in the garden and grow the invaders in the the buckets. In that way you still get the appearance of the plants with the other plants for garden harmony but they stay where you put them.
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Dig up all the mint and plant a small plant in a large pot.
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I agree with jimbo, to grow it in a container which you have sunk n the ground, but not flush the soil or it will grow over the pot edge.
When weeding try to remove all pieces of root, because if you don't each piece will grow up again. Good Luck
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put newspaper over the top and it does off
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Agree with Jim. I once dug down 4' and didn't get all of the mint roots. Dig up some you want to save, pot it, then roundup the remaining mint. Don't know of any other way to get rid of it. Mint will root on the ground anywhere it touches. Be observant.
good luck
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Hmmm reynwater doesnt have a clue lol..sorry..but does the word ORGANIC mean anything to you? Roundup will not only contaminate your organic soil..but kill the soil as well..it will no longer be usefull…It is hard to kill mint once started..one tiny little bit missed..and it will root underground again on you so quick..you won't know what happened
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Growing it in a container that will keep the roots from traveling is the only way I have stopped it….
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Yes…it does that. The only way to control mint is to plant it in a large pot buried in the dirt, but with the rim just above the surface. This stops it sending out runners.
The only way to get rid of it is careful hand weeding. Wet the soil thoroughly and leave it for several hours to soak in, then start teasing out the plants. Make sure you get it ALL. You may have to do this several times, as it is easy to miss bits, or for pieces to break off. Keep a few pieces for your new confined pot, and put the rest in the trash. Do not try to compost it, as you may not kill it all in the compost heap.
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