“One of the most effective ways to bring people together is a farmers’ market,” said Shing-Fu Hsueh. “Not only will it provide an opportunity for the residents to pick up produce locally; it will also offer a place where neighbors can meet and socialize.”
Several farms are currently registered to participate in the market, a grassroots initiative proposed and implemented by West Windsor residents. The market will be open every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Vaughn Drive Lot of the Princeton Junction Train Station from June 5 to early November.
Shoppers will find organic herbs; grass-fed beef, pork and lamb; chicken, quail, and pheasant; and both organic and conventionally grown vegetables including specialty Asian vegetables. There will also be flowers, pies and bread available in addition to other products and produce brought by the growing list of participants.
According to the USDA, farmers markets, an integral part of the urban/farm linkage, have continued to rise in popularity, mostly due to the growing consumer interest in obtaining fresh products directly from the farm.
“New Jersey has successfully protected thousands of acres of farmland with open space and farmland preservation programs,” said Ronald Good, Bureau Chief at the New Jersey Department of Agriculture. “But it is vital that we maintain the viability of these farms by supporting the purchase of New Jersey locally-grown products. With the opening of the West Windsor Community Farmers’ Market, residents are sending a message that farms are critical to the quality of life we cherish in this region.”
Duration : 0:2:51
[youtube OLtu5hWsTsM]
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