Nutrition by Natalie: What is the difference between organic food and conventional food? Is organic really more healthy for you?
The USDA lays out certain guidelines that farms have to follow in order to be able to claim the food is organic. In this video Natalie discusses what each of those guidelines are.
What is surprising to learn is some of the growing practices of conventional farming and food processing. As an example, chemical plants and waste water treatment facilities will actually sell their toxic waist to conventional farms to use for fertilizer.
What you eat is an important part of health and nutrition.
Visit Natalie’s website at
This video was produced by psychetruth
A full version of this video can be seen on
Copyright 2007 Zoe Sofia. All Rights Reserved.
Duration : 0:8:55
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you’re constantly …
you’re constantly coming on here knocking down people, what do you work for the gov or you just a closed-minded stick up the butt?
MAYBE it wasn’t placebo but the fact she was especially sensitive to these horrible chemicals?
If you work or know …
If you work or know someone who works in the FDA, you would know what you said is totally BS that is fed to the masses so corporations stay rich AND you keep taking the ant poison so they can keep you in control and die just before being a burden to Social Security.
Chronic Fatigue is …
Chronic Fatigue is extremely subjective it’s conceivable that your wife’s recovery was due to the placebo effect
It’s nice to hear …
It’s nice to hear reasoned opinions from your side of the argument
It’s funny how …
It’s funny how anyone that doesn’t buy into organic food works for Monsanto. There is no one like whole foods or organic farmers that would need to distort the facts toward organic food. Even Natalie, who I guess is a nutritionist, would profit from people needing to learn about organic food and newer nutritional ideas. Really QUESTION EVERYTHING. Crap now I work for Monsanto 🙁
There are NO animal …
There are NO animal plant hybrids in the food supply. Some have been made in the lab for basic research, but never for food and always within a sealed greenhouse. That kind of frankenfood is a myth. The only GMC you get are plant hybrids or selected gene alterations.
fantastic. someone …
fantastic. someone else who talks sense. im subscribing now. have you checked out paul cheks channel? also underground wellness channel? check em out if not, they are on our wavelength. Keep ’em coming natalie.
Wilds are better if …
Wilds are better if you can get it.They are trying to lower the standards on organic’s. Click my name and the website to see how I boost my nutrion.
That’s scary to …
That’s scary to think of how much chemicals that are being used to grow our food. Organic is the way to go.
Whole foods market …
Whole foods market has ruined a brilliant chance to use consumer power to change growing and distribution of food in America. They have ruined the organics movement. If people want really fairly traded produce, produce that is 100% organic and not just in parts of the process, food that isnt flown thousands of miles in order to bring bananas, etc, to places that shouldnt have htme in winter then people need to sit down and do their own research.
All the info is available in sociological books.
Genetic …
Genetic modification is not the same as selection. If it was, they wouldn’t have a patent.
read this and try …
read this and try for yourself.
my wife had Chronic Fatigue for 7 years, she was one of the worst cases world wide. We switched to organics and she was of perfect health within 3 week. Our whole family has never looked nor felt better. Professional athletes are even apporaching us unprovoked commenting how great we look and asking how we changed so profoundly. Our receipes are sourced from Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions which we highly recommend. Well done Natalie.
skangmox is exactly …
skangmox is exactly right.
Better to grow your …
Better to grow your own fruit and veg.
almost got it right …
almost got it right psychetruth. It costs more organically because there are more labor inputs and less production per input. BUT the realy big reason it costs more is market driven. It costs more because your willing to pay more. Organic crop get subsidies too they even get more than the conventional guys. I love you guys behind organic foods but please tell the truth.
what do you mean?
what do you mean?
Natalie has a …
Natalie has a degree in nutrition and will be registered dietitian in the next month or so.
does natalie …
does natalie research this stuff herself, or is she just a “pretty face” to get the message across?
It’s more expensive …
It’s more expensive since conventional farms can use GMO seeds, chemical pesticides, etc.
Also, conventional crops are subsidized by the government. The US Government actually gives tax money to convention corn farmers for example and pays them a certain amount per bushel. Organic farms don’t get subsidized so added cost gets tagged onto the price.
Why is organic food …
Why is organic food generally more exspensive than non-organic? I find this preety werird I was under the impression it would cost loss to grow organic.
EAT… there is no …
EAT… there is no safer food than that in the U.S. eat drink be happy
I might add that if …
I might add that if all farms went organic…some of us WILL starve.
I have an organic …
I have an organic orchard in WA. state. 100 tons of cherries and over 600000 pounds of apples. My farm is certified by the WSDA and USDA and EU. I know what I am talking about. Organic food IS grown WITH pesticides, fertilizers, additives and GMOS. Dont get me wrong Organic is better but misinformation is poor. If you want to educate yourself feel free to contact me. I have over 20 years in this industry and a pretty degree to match. =-)
Haloo Natalie! I …
Haloo Natalie! I have a question i started to take omega 3 capsules coz rescent studies that is helping to reduce the stress, but i descovered also that my hair stoped to fall dawn and actualy it became thicker.I want to ask if its ok to take all the time mega 3?