I've got this spot in my vegie patch that has been neglected somewhat. It hasn't been worked as much as the rest, has less organic matter in it etc. I've put my rhubarb there, which is doing ok there. What vegetables could I grow there?
Not tomatoes. They are very heavy feeders. You would end up adding to and turning the soil more than it sounds like your willing to do. You sound like you want the easy way out so grow cucumbers there. 96% water, dont take a ton of care, just steady moisture. Or…….collard greens. You couldnt kill em if you tried.
I don't know how you garden or your country, but generally, if you add a little compost, till the soil well, water as needed, that part of the garden will produce well for you. Plant and treat it as you would any other part of your garden.
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beans will fix nitrogen in soil and make it more fertile
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tomatoe: full sunlight, keep moist but not wet, feed once a month, Rutgers are the best flavor, and great for cooking…if the plant takes off, you will have more tomatoes than you will know what to do with…brace up to keep tomatoes off ground
cucumbers and gourds…love lousy soil, easy to grow, but take a lot of space
any melon will do well, but need lots of space, Spinach if really cool…spinach hate hot weather.
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Not tomatoes. They are very heavy feeders. You would end up adding to and turning the soil more than it sounds like your willing to do. You sound like you want the easy way out so grow cucumbers there. 96% water, dont take a ton of care, just steady moisture. Or…….collard greens. You couldnt kill em if you tried.
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pumpkins cucumbers gourds should do better in such soil.
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