Question: “How do you grow organic fruits and vegetables!? that’s weird”
Organic means that they are grown with no preservatives in them, grown with no chemicals and so forth.
To grow Organic Vegs and Fruits don’t Put any chemicals on them. Most things you grow yourself are organic and Better for you.
And if you every notice things that you buy from the store often last longer than the ones you picked yourself from the garden. That is because The store (Non Organic) sprays the vegs. and Fruits with a preservative to make them last longer
Regular fruits and vegetables don't have Hippie underarm hair on them.
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Organic is with no preservatives in them grown with no chemicals and so forth. And to grow Organic Vegs and Fruits don't Put any chemicals on them. Most things you grow yourself are organic and Better for you.
And if you every notice things that you buy from the store often last longer than the ones you picked yourself from the garden. That is because The store (Non Organic) sprays the vegs. and Fruits with a preservative to make them last longer
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Worked as a Microbiologist
Organic fruits and vegetables are farmed without any pesticides, herbicides, and engineering .. like the kind that makes plants grow bigger or different colors. Regular fruits and vegetables typically are not.
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No pesticides or chemichals are used . Not only is this better for you, but it means healthier soil, water, and wildlife, so it's better for the environment. Organic food farmers can earn a fairer price compared to factory farming. Organic farmers grow a wider variety of non-genetically modified fruits and vegetables, whereas factory farming has lessened our choices in the grocery stores to one or two produce varieties.
Kim at:
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ALL PRODUCE ARE SPRAYED WITH SOME SORT OF PESTICIDE, be it a natural or synthetic pesticide. Organics tend to have LESS pesticide residues or residues that don't cause genetic mutations that can possibly cause ailments (ie: cancer). With the regular produce, you dont know what pesticides were used (sometimes, organic pesticides are used like lady bugs and chemicals from citrus) but because the produce is farmed on land that is not FDA deemed "organic" that produce is not labeled "organic".
It all winds down to: good, better, best. If you are concerned about your health and can afford organic produce (it's ridiculous that organics are priced higher, all produce should cost the same or produced organically), I HIGHLY suggest you purchase organics. There's less pesticide residues and also (it may take a while to realize) the taste of organic produce by far surpasses the taste of that of mass produced produce. Hope this helps.
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worked on a farm
worked at a grocery store
B.A in chemistry
About 20%-50% higher prices and maybe an "organic" label. Oh yeah … and organic foods spoil faster. Hell of a deal.
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you grow organic fruits and vegetables
without pesticides!
farmers use these to make the fruit/veggies
mature faster, and produce more
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there are technical definitions to your question that might be important if you are doing this commercially, but generally speaking organic implies no use of chemicals or artificial pesticides.
This means you ingest less chemicals, but the flip side is because there is nothing to inhibit growth there is more microbial. So you have a catch 22 more germs and less chemical or vice versa.
look at for an alternative.
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