I really want to grow my own organic berries, but I dont know where to get seeds or plants for it. any help? thankx! ๐
rose… what store? they dont sell organic berrie plants/seeds at walmart, so "the store" dosn't really help.
hey amber ๐
it is almost impossible to find certified organic berry plants. I sources some cert organic strawberry plants last year but they cost $10 ea (compared to 250 plants for $65 of conventionally raised plants). These straewberry plants were in california and limited in supply as well.
I make my living growing organically but buying perennial fruit is place where I have had no luck finding certified plants. So i use conventional and figure by the time most produce after 1 or 2 years they are quite organic from the years or organic management they get on my farm.
I would try the following
You will not find such plants at a box store like Lowe's or Wal-mart.
You don't say what kind of berries but most grow from cuttings, runners, etc and NOT from seed. if they do grow from seed it will be 3 to 5 years before they will fruit.
You might try asking the local organic/sustainable farms in your area if they have any extra plants they have dug up to thin out their berry patches. I know we could have dug up thousands of raspberry plants and in the past have had tens of thousands of strawberry plants to sell from having to thin out an out of control patch.
the store
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online… or at garden shops or store like Lowes and maybe even Walmart (I know they sold organic strawberry seeds..)
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To get the best information, use one of the search engines on internet and search for "Blue Berries Planting" or "Berries Planting" or something like this. You will come across lots of web sites.
In top 2 pages, you will surely find the availability, cost, procedures & additional info for your needs and otherwise. As your "GREEN THUMB" becomes more green, this type of information would be very helpful.
Once I got stem strawberries from one of the on-line nurseries – those strawberries were so sweet & flavorful, that friends & relatives would always bee-line for my backyard and pick fresh fruits and enjoy the backyard life – fresh strawberries, guavas, plums-red & yellow, nectrines, almonds, barbequed chicken, prawns, buttered corn on the cob with spices & lemon juice, garlic bread freshly toasted on the barbeque pit – and lots of laughs & basking the bright sun rays under trelised deck & playing on green lush grass field.
Twenty years back, I got flower bulbs with the weather hardening procedure explanation. I get those flowers every year in Jan-Feb. These bulbs were bought on-line.
Right now also, I am looking for Green Gooseberries & Kiwi fruit plants on-line only.
I hope this information would motivate you to get the complete info on-line, and you may start your berries garden at the earliest so you can enjoy your achievement with your friends and relatives like I do.
Good luck.
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Do online Google search for Organic Berry Plants for Sale. But being organic is not mainly what you start with but how you handle it after planting. Not adding any chemicals of any kind including certain types of fertilizer, pesticides. Where most fail is ones in city or rural water systems. Tap Water is full of chemicals.
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There are several native plants which produce edible berries.
First, though, you need to find out which plants are native in your area and which ones produce edible berries. I don't know which area you mean, so you'll have to find out yourself. Sorry.
Then go to a native plant nursery and buy the plant you want.
I caution, though, that some websites have a long list of plants that have non-toxic berries, but most of them aren't very good tasting.
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it is almost impossible to find certified organic berry plants. I sources some cert organic strawberry plants last year but they cost $10 ea (compared to 250 plants for $65 of conventionally raised plants). These straewberry plants were in california and limited in supply as well.
I make my living growing organically but buying perennial fruit is place where I have had no luck finding certified plants. So i use conventional and figure by the time most produce after 1 or 2 years they are quite organic from the years or organic management they get on my farm.
I would try the following
You will not find such plants at a box store like Lowe's or Wal-mart.
You don't say what kind of berries but most grow from cuttings, runners, etc and NOT from seed. if they do grow from seed it will be 3 to 5 years before they will fruit.
You might try asking the local organic/sustainable farms in your area if they have any extra plants they have dug up to thin out their berry patches. I know we could have dug up thousands of raspberry plants and in the past have had tens of thousands of strawberry plants to sell from having to thin out an out of control patch.
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