SUPER SEED 600g Powder Nature’s Whole Food Fiber Source Provides a Balanced Source of Soluble and Insoluble Fiber Certified Organic and/or Chemical Free Fiber Rich Whole Foods Utilizes natural Poten-Zyme™ process of Bio-Fermentation and Enzymatic Activation Aids in the Digestion of Grains, Seeds and Legumes while Neutralizing Enzyme and Nutrient Inhibitors such as phytates Improves Bowel Regularity and Increases Colonic Transit Time Assists in the Excretion of Toxins and Heavy Metals Supports Beneficial Flora in the Intestines and Bowel Abundant in Mucilagenous Soluble Fiber Excellent Source of Pectin, Cellulose, Lignans and Mucilage Supplies Omega 3 and 6 Essential Fatty Acids What is Super Seed™? Super Seed™ is an extraordinary whole food formula that supplies your body with a highly usable, nutrient dense, vegetarian source of dietary fiber. Super Seed™ is a whole food blend of certified organic and chemical free seeds, sprouted grains and legumes, abundant in mucilaginous soluble fiber, and rich in essential fatty acids and lignans. Each of the ingredients in Super Seed™ were specifically chosen for their exceptional ability to enhance and support bowel health. As with all Garden of Life® formulations, this ingredient blend is potentiated with our exclusive Poten-Zyme™ process of lacto- fermentation and enzymatic activation insuring maximum bio-availability and absorption. The Critical Role of Dietary Fiber The role of dietary fiber has increasingly grown in prominence since as early as 1860 with the advent of the technology for refining sugar, followed soon thereafter by improved milling methods that began removing the fiber from flour. Improvements in rail and sea transport along with refrigeration, enabled the distribution of these foods to a worldwide marketplace. Prosperous, more industrialized countries were predominantly the beneficiaries of these new wonder foods. Simultaneously, the populations of these
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