I want to start a small vegetable or herb garden and today I have finally completed preparing the area I have chosen (well I have pulled out all of the weeds and grass I am sure there is more preparing to do, but what?)
What are some sturdy vegetables or herbs I can start with as I really dont know how good I am at this. How else am I sposed to prepare my earth? What is next?
Any information or tips would be much appreciated. If it makes any difference (which I am sure it does) I live in West Australia, near the coast and I am pretty sure we are in Summer right now but I cant be certain.
Also I would like to try and make it organic, how can I do that? My Dad says it is pretty much impossible to tell if your garden is truely organic, should I bother? What difference does it make?
For most people, going organic is satisfied with avoiding chemicals like bug sprays, and using natural soil enhancements (compost). That is not only easy, but a bit cheaper.
The best advice I can give you is to go to the library and get a few books on gardening. Pictures can help so much.
For next steps with your soil, you could till, you could hoe, you could double dig. There are different reasonings for any of the three.
I would start with plants you like to eat, for your garden veggies, and definitely skip those you don't. Go to your local garden center and wander. Ask questions, and read the plant tags (spacing and amounts of sun). Ask what seeds they would suggest you plant (probably a row or two of beans.
Add some marigolds around the edges to pretty it up, and as a natural pest deterrent. And get some chicken wire fencing and stakes to surround the garden, to keep out bunnies and the like.
whats your favorite vebetables? to plant?
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For most people, going organic is satisfied with avoiding chemicals like bug sprays, and using natural soil enhancements (compost). That is not only easy, but a bit cheaper.
The best advice I can give you is to go to the library and get a few books on gardening. Pictures can help so much.
For next steps with your soil, you could till, you could hoe, you could double dig. There are different reasonings for any of the three.
I would start with plants you like to eat, for your garden veggies, and definitely skip those you don't. Go to your local garden center and wander. Ask questions, and read the plant tags (spacing and amounts of sun). Ask what seeds they would suggest you plant (probably a row or two of beans.
Add some marigolds around the edges to pretty it up, and as a natural pest deterrent. And get some chicken wire fencing and stakes to surround the garden, to keep out bunnies and the like.
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