What can you do to keep cats from using the garden for a litter box…ugghhh Also looking for the best place to order organic seeds? any other garden tips are great!!!
Just sprinkle mothballs around your garden. Cats hate them. And you can google organic seeds. There are companies that specialize in them.
Just sprinkle mothballs around your garden. Cats hate them. And you can google organic seeds. There are companies that specialize in them.
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Mothballs are toxic so don't use them around your garden or anywhere that a child might get into them. The easiest way to keep the cats out of the garden is to dig a place where you would rather they go. It is the loose dirt that attracts them. Then mulch your garden with newspaper. Just open the pages to the size that fits between your rows then water it down good. You can use rocks or heavy sticks to keep the paper from blowing away. This is good for a lot of reasons besides keeping the cats out. It keeps the weeds from growing and keeps the soil moist so you don't have to water as often. You want to end up with about an inch thick mat of paper between each row, you can put straw, grass clippings or leaves on top or just keep adding news paper as the old stuff breaks down. Happy gardening
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Get a super soaker squirt gun and squirt the cat when it's in the garden.
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