All organic scraps, excepting animal matter, had been gathered and stored since the new year til June, anticipating the creation of an organic garden this year. Unfortunately, numerous home repairs delayed this effort (new roof, etc.). We have created our compost bin, but are unsure if we can add the stored material, as it hasn't had air circulation. Please let us know if it's feasible.
It should be fine. It is still going to rot, you just delayed it by keeping it sealed.
Justin says
It should be fine. It is still going to rot, you just delayed it by keeping it sealed.
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Gungnir says
Sure, no problem.
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Geri H says
Sure, it's probably all ready decomposing!
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o0_ithilwen_0o says
You can't delay decomposition by keeping organic matter sealed. It will likely be a festering pile of moldy sludge by now, which is not good for compost.
Compost needs to breathe and be stirred to keep moisture levels down enough to inhibit mold. I would be surprised if you could open the container without passing out from the smell.
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wasabi_luvva says
Sure! It's already started a decomposing process (although of a different sort than you find in your standard compost pile). Should be stinky, sure, but that doesn't mean it'll harm your pile. Just make sure you mix it with plenty of non-stinky stuff.
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sunnyb_4 says
Anything organic can be used in your compost. It dosn`t even matter if it has mold on it. Good luck.
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