I was just wondering if there was anything organic or an old home remedie to spray for pests on my lettuce because i am highly alergic to pesticides.
Thankyou your help will be appreciated.
Yes. Mix a light solution of dish-soap with water to spray on the lettuce. About 1tsp in a quart of water. Just make sure you rinse the lettuce before you eat it.
1 gallon of water, table spoon of hot sauce, one half smoke cigar, teaspoon of joy dish washing liquid . mix put the lid on and pour into a spray bottle and wash the plant with it. Its an old remedy but it works.
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It depends on what pests you're needing to kill.
UC Davis Cooperative Extension has great info.
Every county has a cooperative extension and most have websites so you can glean great info from the web.
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Yes. Mix a light solution of dish-soap with water to spray on the lettuce. About 1tsp in a quart of water. Just make sure you rinse the lettuce before you eat it.
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the cleanest thing that i use is worm tea which is the liquid saved from the bottom of a worm farm , it needs to be watered down to at least to 50/50 or more (water)
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my own use