Will it every be a good place for gardening vegtables and fruit. I want to do organic gardening. How would I do this without contaiminating my crop? Small home consumpson only.
The people before me used pestisides I know because they left them in the garage. The house was built in 1952.
Please serious answers only. I know this can be done.
How do I protect new soil I import and new plants?
I did not write down what they were before I sent them to hazardous waste. I would imagine just weed killers and anything goes because they were old. It could have been things outlawed now.
Sorry about being rude about the serious answers part. I just am tired of getting rude answers. I will take answers that are suggestions.
I have been here for 5 years and have applied no chemicals. I do not need organic certification because this is for my own consumption. I just need to know it is safe.
I prefer to use marigolds to keep pests away or other natural methods.
It is nice to know the yard can recover. It is desert land, so It has not received much water, but I guess I could till it and water it and till and mix some good soil in and fertilize.
Has the garden space been not used for a long time? If so most of the pestisides have most likely all been washed away..If not you will have to till up very good and test the soil for what is in it.. they have very simple test to do at most garden stores. then add what is needed to your soil. and start it all over.. tilling and watering is the best way to build your soil back up to the best quality.
At peat moss and your compost and till in this fall and it will be ready for you new fresh garden for the following years. I don't use pestisides on my garden either.
My new garden for this year will need some work before next years planting too since it was tilled for the first time in 10 years this year.. need to get mine tilled atleast 8 to 10 inches deep this fall for better crops next year.. I will be spreading old chicken house straw on the garden this fall and tilling it in , in the spring time tilling.. I use rabbit poop for fertilizer you can use it all year long because it is one fresh poo that won't burn your plants.
do your soil test first and find out what you need for soil improvements.. then you should be fine.. You can always have fresh soil moved in..from somewhere else that is clean..
Look close at the Pesticides used and see what the life of it is- chances are its gone now from wind and rain- if not it never will be but also weakened to the point of no harm.
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I'm not an expert but, if no experts answer you, then take a sample into a lab and have it tested for pesticides. If you still have the containers than write down the names as this will make it much easier, faster, and cheaper to test for various compounds. Have them tell you how strong the concentration is and how long it would take for these compounds to break down or leach away (if they know).
Another idea, which might be even better and a lot cheaper if you have the name of the compounds, is to call a store that specializes in pesticides and herbicides. Ask THEM how long it would take for the compounds to leave the soil and if there is anything you can do to help the process along.
Good luck.
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To be "certified" organic, you have to wait 3 years after applying chemicals. Do you have any idea how much time has elapsed since the use of chemicals?
Another option would be to remove the sod (the contaminated part) and add compost to the soil before planting your garden.
Once you start fresh, do not use any chemicals. Compost will enrich your soil and add nutrition.
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We decided to buy plastic bales of sugar cane mulch.Dug out after cutting enough room for plants—dug out the mulch–made a mix of good potting mix :tiny blood and bone and dry horse straw-mix and Good potting mix,put in, watered in and planted seedlings.Use hooks to move from site to site…full sun etc..Make good use of drainage holes at base!!!!! and sides for extra aeration!Roll over when finished…maybe plant some lupins etc for extra funk…grow again? Haven't tried? Use the funk!Now! By the way…after a couple of seasons…spread the mulch..sterilise if necessary ie .compost it .Portable feast ..we call it…it comes. Good Luck!
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I too am not sure- not knowing how long or what type of poisons were applied. But I think I would use the next couple years preparing the soil. Remove sod. Work in generous amounts of organic matter, etc. You might plant flowers the first year. When the soil is active once again (earthworms) then it will probably be fine for your veggies. Takes about 2 or 3 years, anyway, to get soil in really good shape. Use the time wisely. Good luck.
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The only way to do it immediately is to dig down to about 18 inches and replace the soil, or use raised beds. Many veggies can be grown in containers. Painters and drywallers will give you all the five gallon buckets you want, and you can grow stuff in there until you can use your garden.
3 years is the minimum time to wait until you soil is clean. Like everyone else said, in the meantime, be mixing in organics and make sure it's watered well to leach out as much as you can.
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Has the garden space been not used for a long time? If so most of the pestisides have most likely all been washed away..If not you will have to till up very good and test the soil for what is in it.. they have very simple test to do at most garden stores. then add what is needed to your soil. and start it all over.. tilling and watering is the best way to build your soil back up to the best quality.
At peat moss and your compost and till in this fall and it will be ready for you new fresh garden for the following years. I don't use pestisides on my garden either.
My new garden for this year will need some work before next years planting too since it was tilled for the first time in 10 years this year.. need to get mine tilled atleast 8 to 10 inches deep this fall for better crops next year.. I will be spreading old chicken house straw on the garden this fall and tilling it in , in the spring time tilling.. I use rabbit poop for fertilizer you can use it all year long because it is one fresh poo that won't burn your plants.
do your soil test first and find out what you need for soil improvements.. then you should be fine.. You can always have fresh soil moved in..from somewhere else that is clean..
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Quite honestly, I would not concern myself with past use of "normal" farm and garden pesticides. In the future, just stick with Espoma fertilizers and accept whatever infestation you get, which probably would not be sigificant enough to affect a home garden crop.
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