Question: “I’m looking for an organic (home remedy) pesticide to kill Japanese Beetles that are eating my garden?”
The most organic home remedy that I use when dealing with Japanese beetles are my fingers and a pail of soapy water. I just pluck them up and drop them in the pail.
It may sounds bit gross to do if your squeamish about beetles, but it definitely works and it works well.
The most organic home remedy that I use when dealing with Japanese beetles are my fingers and a pail of soapy water. I just pluck them up and drop them in the pail.
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For organic… give them swimming lessons in oil but I highly recommend Milky Spore. It does the trick by giving the beetles a virus that they pass on to other throughout the years. Work like a dream come true, but takes time to eliminate all of them.
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For a home remedy, what I did was bought a butterfly net and tapped the branch of the plant with it and the beetles would fall inside it. Then I fed them to the ducks so it gives them a good protein meal and they love it. For me it worked better than the beetle bags.
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You could try beetle bags. They are little plastic buckets mounted on stakes that attract the beetles with scent. Once inside, the beetles cannot escape.
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Try a product called B .T.
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Beetle traps only attract more beetles to your yard.
Soapy water has always worked for me. I use dishwashing liquid mised with some water. The ratio isn't important. Just use enough soap to get some suds going. Then flick the beetles off your plants into the water and let them sit overnight. They will drown and you can just toss the water in the woods, under your shrubs, wherever.
Milky spore is used to treat for the grubs thst live in your lawn that eventually hatch into Japanese Beetles. It is effective but if your neighobors don't use it, too, the grubs and beetles will just come back.
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Try companion planting. I've been doing this for 2 seasons now with incredible results. To experiment try planting sweet alyssum, pennyroyale or petunias near your problem area and see what happens in a week. Should improve or dissappear. I highly reccomend a book called "Great Garden Companions" for more info.
The point is to prevent the bugs from even showing up by a method of confusion with other plants that are around them.
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The link below written by professionals gives you the same advice as Yahoo! persons
The Japanese beetle has many natural enemies: the spring and fall typhia wasps, birds, and skunks are helpful beetle enemies.
Milky spore disease is harmless to plants, animals, and humans, but deadly for the beetle. It is most effective in areas bigger than one acre. Talk to a local garden group or county representative for more information.
Remove diseased fruit from the trees and ground, and keep the area weeded and clean.
Larkspur is poisonous for the beetles, and they avoid the odor of geraniums.
Handpick the beetles and drop them into a bucket of water with a think layer of kerosene.
Traps painted yellow and baited with fermenting fruit, sugar, and water catch thousands of beetles – empty this daily.
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above link
get a spray bottle with water, dish soap and spray your plants it may take several spraying, it should work.
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