I came across this product on Amazon.com:
Flea Free – Organic Flea, Tick & Insect Repellent – Natural Flea Control & Food Supplement for Pets by Natural Pet Products. Has anyone tried this stuff and have any imput?
Haven't tried this product
but truthfully if you've got fleas then you need to get rid of them first
then you can try and keep your pet healthy enough to keep the buggers away
I like neem oil myself, safe enough for humans to take internally
i've never tried this stuff, however, I found that some fly sprays for horses work very well on fleas for dogs, just look on the label and find ones that tell you it is safe for dogs
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Haven't tried this product
but truthfully if you've got fleas then you need to get rid of them first
then you can try and keep your pet healthy enough to keep the buggers away
I like neem oil myself, safe enough for humans to take internally
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