welcome to my raw foods experiment…i am testing myself and documenting the results of what eating a 100% raw diet for 100 days will have on my health, energy, personal life and over all livelihood. I have experience with raw foods including being mostly raw for over a year, being a raw foods chef at a retreat center, naming the book and dating the guy who wrote “the raw foods bible”, making the website www.rawfoodsbible.com, filming and recording a soon to be released HD DVD raw foods lecture and audio CD…i haven’t been eating as healthy as I have in the past and recently my health has seriously suffered to the point of me knowing I need to make conscious decisions about what I am going to eat, drink, think and do…i plan on sharing exactly that throughout the day, including showing myself making raw foods, sharing favorite raw recipes, how to & DIY raw foods preparation with a vita-mix blender and food dehydrator, sprouts, worm detox and parasite cleanse, clips from raw restaurants, raw food lectures and anything else related to raw foods that I come across…hopefully I will regain the vibrant health I once knew when I ate organic, pesticide free, no GMO’s, raw, living and loved foods! Doing a video blog about going raw I thought would be a fun way to share raw information with others and help us all stay motivate and on the path to optimum health together…sometimes it is hard in a world of SAD diets to easily eat raw…since I don’t have anyone that truly appreciates my gourmet raw foods at home to uncook for I tend to keep it simple for myself…but if I am to share it with “the world” perhaps I will find the motivation to do so….so if you want to see something in particular or have any questions about a raw foods diet let me know and I will see if I or a raw friend can answer them for you…blessings and wish me luck!
Duration : 0:5:28
[youtube dsLmTVZ6Dr0]
its great that …
its great that youre going 100% raw! ive been having trouble with it cause im only 16 and theres not a lot of support so ill say im half raw half cooked food, and im striving to be raw
Great video, you …
Great video, you keep it real. I’m looking forward to viewing each one in chrono order now that I see you have one posted for the 100th ending day. I love that you did this “before” and the progress videos.
check out the video …
check out the video PROTEIN MYTH, by World class Vegan Athlete, Tim van Orden
wow, you look great …
wow, you look great of your age…you loook younger than me.:) good luck with your diet
Keep it up! I …
Keep it up! I started out at 80-90% raw and am now about 99%-100% raw. It’s a natural high 24/7;)
Keep it up! I …
Keep it up! I started out at 80-90% raw and am now about 99%-100% raw. It’s a natural high 24/7;)
Congrats on going …
Congrats on going raw! I’ve been about 90% raw for 2 years now. I would highly recommend going raw for life, I think doing it with a time limit sort of goes against the point as all health problems and diseases will return by going back to a cooked food diet (which the body cannot live on without disease). With the right recipes, raw costs less, tastes better, and doesn’t make you sick.