Despite the fact that my house is spotlessly clean, I have a problem with ants. I steam clean my kitchen every day and in between wipe down with vinegar solution, but the mites are coming in and on my worktops. I hate using insecticides – is there anything organic or natural that they hate?
You might try baking soda, they won't cross it. They obviously found a food source and you also need to find where they are getting in. Follow their trail in both directions. Find what they are feeding on. Then find where they are coming in. Do whatever you want to get rid of the ants that you see and get rid of what they are feeding on (probably something in a food cupboard). Lay down the baking soda near the entry point. Now if you have access to the outside of where the entry point is, look for the entry point on the outside and the location of the colony. I use a garden hose to flood them out of the ground. After flooding them wait a few minutes and you should see them, perhaps thousands of them, coming out and looking for high ground. At that point, you use a good commercial grade insecticide (for outdoors) and zap them. Repeat the flooding and insecticide a few more times. The reason you are doing this step outdoors is that these ants are getting food from the ants that came into your house. When their friends fail to return, they will start coming in on their own, so you have to get rid of them also.
Read this post. I think it's funny
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Your foot
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I had ants coming in from a crack in my apartment. I read online to put some plain black pepper at the crack. So I grabbed my pepper shaker, and shook out a nice little pile there. The next day all the ants were gone! I've left the bits of black pepper there. Now it's been 11 months later and I haven't seen an ant since I first moved in!
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Is there any organic way to kill human beings?. Is there an organic way to kill people who ask question which endanger the lives of other creatures? We should not think to kill any living creature! We can't give life, so. we should not take life! Black pepper or red hot chili pepper can usually keep them away. There is another substance by the name of citronella, which they are not fond of in the least. But please don't think to kill them. Give up such hellish mentality and develop finer sentiments. Compassion is needed for real love to grow. Take care. Best wishes. GOURANGA GOURANGA GOURANGA
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You might try baking soda, they won't cross it. They obviously found a food source and you also need to find where they are getting in. Follow their trail in both directions. Find what they are feeding on. Then find where they are coming in. Do whatever you want to get rid of the ants that you see and get rid of what they are feeding on (probably something in a food cupboard). Lay down the baking soda near the entry point. Now if you have access to the outside of where the entry point is, look for the entry point on the outside and the location of the colony. I use a garden hose to flood them out of the ground. After flooding them wait a few minutes and you should see them, perhaps thousands of them, coming out and looking for high ground. At that point, you use a good commercial grade insecticide (for outdoors) and zap them. Repeat the flooding and insecticide a few more times. The reason you are doing this step outdoors is that these ants are getting food from the ants that came into your house. When their friends fail to return, they will start coming in on their own, so you have to get rid of them also.
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attack them from the outside of house-they getting in somewhere-nothing i know organic kills them-you read where people used vinegar /mint/ boric acid-etc-they just destroying the trail not the mound
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Use a mix of cinnamon and sugar. The ants will pick up the sugar, along with the cinnamon, and take it back to their queen. Ants can’t digest cinnamon and once the queen dies from not being able to digest the cinnamon the colony will die without her.
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vinegar should work. ants leave a trail of pheramones so they know how to return to the good food (and lead other ants there). If you watch what paths they take you can see where they are leaving pheramones. Then just scrub their little trails with vinegar to erase the scent. My mother in law had such a bad ant problem she hired someone to literally hose the kitchen in vinegar and they didn't come back. You should also try cleaning the entrances to your house, such as doorways or cracks with vinegar so they don't even know to go inside. Never heard of ants refusing to cross baking soda…but with that stuff costing $0.99 for a year's supply in a box it can't hurt. And whatever chance you get, vaccum the little buggers up! That way there is no way they wan infest again
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