I need it for my investigatory project. I need some plants that can be used as organic pesticide or insecticide such as neem but I need to use other plants.
Please dont give me chrysanthemum as an example because it is too expensive here in the Philippines. I know that it contains pyrethrum. Sorry for the one who answer chrysanthemum.
I suggest you give me cheap plants
A chemical like chrysanthemic acid is naturally occurring in chrysanthemums. A few months ago, I went down to the local nursery and they were selling a chrysanthemum relative that supposedly made its own prethrin-type pesticide. Go and check.
Also – nicotine has insecticidal properties against some insects. Grow your own tobacco plant. Be careful, though. Nicotine is also poisonous to people and pets.
A chemical like chrysanthemic acid is naturally occurring in chrysanthemums. A few months ago, I went down to the local nursery and they were selling a chrysanthemum relative that supposedly made its own prethrin-type pesticide. Go and check.
Also – nicotine has insecticidal properties against some insects. Grow your own tobacco plant. Be careful, though. Nicotine is also poisonous to people and pets.
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garlic works well. there are others too, but i can't think of any… try looking up organic pest control on gardening web sites. http://www.abc.net.au/gardening should have more than a few in their archived pages.
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Organic pesticide,that too cheap, you can try neem, there's
also tobacco(Nicotiana tobacum.)Tobaco leaves contain alkaloids that can be used as insect repellants.There' also a plant called Derris elliptica(tropical legume),roots contain retenones.Can u include fungi that are effective as bioherbicides?if yes then Phytophora palmavora is an effective fungus used to control citrus orchard weed called as milk weed.
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Marigolds are known for their insect-repellent properties.
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Mums, marigolds, also try some of the herbs like mint and rosemary.
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depends on the pest.
wasps can be used to keep certain leaf worms at bay.
there are soap pesticides that are approved for organic gardening, there is diatomacious earth, and solution of bacteria that are hamful to some pests, but non-harmful to humans and other organisms..
a solution of cheyanne pepper or garlic in water sprayed on plants keep many pests away.
just depends on the problem, and your climate.
there are also plants that can be grown in your garden to keep away some pests, but then again they aren't usful in all climates.
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