I believe their called scales, those nasty little bugs that lay a cotton-like egg nest under leaves. They look like a tiny brown circle & they suck out sap from my tree, then it looks sickly. It's happened 2 yrs in a row, now they just came back.
We've had the tree sprayed with organic insecticide & we've used safer soap last yr, nothing seems to get rid of those bugs! And they usually spread from my snowbell to my Japanese maples & Yoshino tree. Please help!
parafin based dormant oil such as SunSpray (which i believe you can get at any box stores such as Lowe's and Home Depot)
cotton balls and alcohol
attack, show no mercy
good luck
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Hey shichimeitozoku,
Check out the Horticultural Oils. This is purchased in a concentrate and diluted 1 part to 100 parts water. I had to buy 2.5 gallons, it will be a long time before I use 250 gallons of it, but only $40.00 total. If you bring a sample to your local County Extension Agent (where you get a soil sample too), they can help you ID the pest. When you know your enemy, you know their weakness – then you can pick the proper treatment.
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parafin based dormant oil such as SunSpray (which i believe you can get at any box stores such as Lowe's and Home Depot)
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